Monday, March 26, 2007

Maximum Involvement

What is Maximum Involvement?
People tend to enjoy and are more interested in what they feel they are a part of. They become emotionally invested and intellectually involved, and it becomes personal on some level. So the more people involved in a routine, the better it will play and be received. Getting most, if not all of the audience participating and feeling a part of the performance is my goal. To me, this is maximum involvement. (Excerpted from MAXIMUM INVOLVEMENT -PART 1- POPULAR SELECTION by Tony Eye.)


The first in a series of manuscripts dealing with Maximum Involvement.

This 24 page manuscript details the Popular Selection technique and provides 3 performance pieces as examples. Several other traditional techniques are used and some significant improvements are taught.

BLOODY SIMPLE MOVIE PREDICTION An audience member is handed a package, then the entire audience then freely contributes names of movies. Out of this 2 are selected, and finally one chosen. The selection is then named aloud, and the package opened. Inside is the DVD for that movie (plus an additional surprise).

PICTURE PERFECT An easel is sitting on stage and atop it is a wrapped object. The audience names a group of artists, any artist that they can think of. A spectator is freely chosen from the audience and asked to select one. She is then asked to think of a painting done by that artist. The artist is named, the package unwrapped to reveal in huge letters, the name of the artist on poster board. Then she states the name of the painting that she is just thinking of, the board is turned around to show a print of that painting.

An audience member is handed an envelope, then the entire audience then freely contributes names of locations for a fantasy vacation. Out of this 2 are selected, and finally one chosen. The selection is then named aloud, and the package opened. Inside is a postcard from the selected location addressed to the audience member (plus several other additional surprises).

Additional ideas are also supplied. This manuscript could change the way you think of prediction effects and mystery entertainment in general.

No stooges are used in any of these effects, and no trees were injured in producing this manuscript.
Price $25 (USD)

Available Now.

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